Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Victim.

Thoughts...what are thoughts but mere suggestions in your mind.

So what if you keep them bottled inside?
They will only turn into a rhyme.
so use it on the next one
see if she will care for
a little mess on the floor
or maybe having her eyes stare at the bed board.
Yea. You might not have meant to
but u sure made me feel like a fool
for trusting someone like you
and now my body feels overused.
but that's alright isn't it?
as long as I pleased your body and shit.
if I stop that from happening to another.
maybe it was worth biting my tongue a little bit longer.
too bad I wasn't a little bit more faded.
cause now I got illusions when i sleep that don't seem to be ending
now ill give it a rest
you have failed my test
took advantage of the maiden
now she's looking for her heaven
while she wishes u the best
and hopes this doesn't repeat for the next.
Remember my words
they may just be chords.
but listen to the message
maybe you can salvage

the last of humanity
with the touch of sincerity and prosperity.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

That morning thought that lasts

I can't help but do this.. I can't help but want to feel alive and awake. I don't want to be a zombie. A lost soul in the dark always craving for something more. I wonder why my life has ended in this way and why I have to continue living it. Im scare of myself you know? I'm scare of the people around me and where this life leads and honestly I think it is my fear that is keeping me alive. I crave for people I shouldn't. I crave for danger and safety and that's why I can't run to you. I can't go near you. If I do I will collapse. If I go near you, you win and then what? I'm left like a rotten rat on the dirty side street next to burned out ciggerates. I don't know what to do with myself. So ill keep on searching..searching for the meaning of my existence. In the meantime I choose to take care of those I can...and if that means staying very...very far apart from the people I love then so be it.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Attention Readers/Bloggers!


I have had an incredibly long writers block so if you guys have any suggestions or want me to touch upon any subjects please comment below or if you wish it to be anonymous you can always email me at

I also will be creating a new blog soon. It will be coming out around summer time so stay tuned :)
Thank you!!
~Takara K.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Cute Central.

Decisions, Decisions.

I’m confused by what I want... is it possible that my demonic heart wants Jacob? Is it possible that it might want Kenji? What is it that makes me so attached to Kenji anyway? Is it because of all the shit we've been through? Or is it because he is the only thing that happens to be constant in my life... he is still my brother and I love him...I really do. I just don’t know if I can love him at this point. Jacob makes me feel good about myself. My dad seems to like him ok too. I really don’t know what to do... I just want to be loved and give love...that’s not wrong is it?