Monday, April 29, 2013

Cute Central.

Decisions, Decisions.

I’m confused by what I want... is it possible that my demonic heart wants Jacob? Is it possible that it might want Kenji? What is it that makes me so attached to Kenji anyway? Is it because of all the shit we've been through? Or is it because he is the only thing that happens to be constant in my life... he is still my brother and I love him...I really do. I just don’t know if I can love him at this point. Jacob makes me feel good about myself. My dad seems to like him ok too. I really don’t know what to do... I just want to be loved and give love...that’s not wrong is it?

Monday, April 8, 2013

Aquamarine throwback.

So if you haven't seen this movie...just wow...but there is a scene where the main character, who also happens to be a mermaid, talks about her nails. Random perhaps, but it got me thinking about how awesome it would be if we all had that. You see, her nails change color naturally according to her mood. Much like those mood rings you'd find at a carnival or festival. Let's say you are happy and your nails turn purple...or how about when you are angry it turns into an auburn color. I guess in a way nail salons would be out of business...oops..


 I really wish cows could actually look like this. I feel like we confuse children in a we decieve them into thinking cows actually look this cute and when they see them in person it's like the world has brought us this horribly ugly black and white beast...deception....utter deception.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Into your arms - The Maine

There is nothing more beautiful then laying in the arms of someone who truly cares about you. I am not talking about them caring about your beauty and whether you’re crying or not. I’m talking about those moments that they randomly hug you or pull you close just because. I’m talking about those moments when they don’t want you to let go. You know, those moments when they breathe in your scent and kiss your neck gently while you drift into a deep sleep. I’m talking about those moments when you wake up in the arms of the one you love and realize you would rather stay there then go anywhere else.  If you have this, cherish it. Don’t let go of it. Don’t run from it. Simply smile, whisper a thank you, and fall back to sleep in his or her arms.

Perks of a Wallflower

A must see! The Perks of a Wallflower. For anyone who wants to see something so real and touching. Go for it. Trust me you wont regret it.


This picture honestly made me speechless for a moment. It has got to be one of the most stupidest things I've ever read but it's so completely true that I cant even shut it down completely. I think its really interesting how you can say two things with one sentence...Makes me wanna try to do that in the future. Or maybe I've already done it before just never noticed.

In a way it's like people say one thing but do the other. I've noticed that the people around me are quite famous for doing so. I'm used to it though and I dont know how I feel about that. I know it's bad or rather unfavorable, but it happens so what can I do about it? Maybe there isn't anything to do about it...maybe I just have to sit back and watch.