Thursday, November 29, 2012

Are things done for a reason?

It has been brought to my attention that there is a reason for why things happen and WHEN things happen. This is something that has taken me a while to understand and really accept. Many would think that the statement is pretty straight forward and not that hard to understand but when you apply it to real situations and have to face this statement with everything you have going on, it can bring you to a large state of frustration. So what does it mean? Why must things happen the way they do? Why do they happen after the tragedy has occurred or why does it happen later when you no longer need the event to happen? I can’t say for sure that I know the answers to those questions but I can surely say that perhaps things happen when they happen because at the time before the event we needed to learn something from it.

My father left me at the age of 4. I was very angry and confused as a child and focused my energy on the arts. My father came back at the age of 10 mainly because I then searched for him. Left again at the age of 14 and now has chosen to be a part of my life. I have grown up a lot since the age of 4 and had learned to do things on my own for a very long time. I still needed my father back then. I used to say if he wasn’t there from the start why I should give him a chance to be there at the end, but then I thought maybe I needed to see my father’s flaws before I could truly take in the man he is. I don’t know my father. I don’t know if I ever will but since I’ve grown up, I can now choose to view him in my own perspective without the influence of others.

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