Thursday, November 29, 2012

"Attention" (Photography by Matthew Brady)

 Our lieutenant shot his pistol and everyone fell into a deep silence. “Boys, Get into your ranks! The time has come to fight.” We all fell into position leaving our tents and belongings aside, not knowing whether we would see such simple things again. A young soldier bumps his shoulder into me playfully and gives me a sad smile. Will we ever play cards together or retell our lives back home again? No one knows and it is that vast unknown that we slowly step into as we begin to march side by side.
My ears perk up to the sound of a low rumbling drum and I recognize the melody as one my mother used to hum when I was a boy. Suddenly, I wish I was back home helping my mother with the farm. My stomach feels sick and my eyes start to water but I keep moving forward because my pride is awfully to strong. I slowly straighten up and hold my head up high for I will give my all in this unpredictable war.

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