Tuesday, November 13, 2012

What do you think?

The discussion of maturity has now branched out to the question of selfishness and restrictions.

You want to be with someone but you cant because you are literally restricted and are not to see said boy or girl. So you sneak around so you can see them and spend time with them while knowing that both of you could get in serious trouble. Now you dont care if you get in trouble because your dying to see and be with this person so you continue to sneak around and try to keep the relationship strong but it gets to the point where he is now making excuses why not to see you and you feel like he's pushing you away.

Now you dont see him often and people around you have their boy or girl and your missing your special someone a lot....like A LOT. But you can't do anything about it. It gets to the point where the both of you are fighting more often and there's a big gap that you two no longer talk to each other like you used to. There's only a cold breeze on both sides.

You try to fix things but this person doesnt want to until your both free to do as you please. Reasonable right? but your scared that your gunna lose this person and that they will continue being mad at you so you write them a letter trying to express how your feeling even though you dont know how to put it down on paper.

Bottom line is are you being selfish for wanting to badly to b with this person? Are you being selfish because in the end you are compromising his freedom? In a way I think yes....but I think it was an unintended selfishness.....What do you think?

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