Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Humanity and its imperfections.

What does it mean to be human? To tell you the truth...I'm not a hundred percent sure. I guess its the state of mind that represents imperfection in the most vulnerable but knowledgeable way. There is no way to tell for sure if our mistakes are due to the fact that we are only human or whether its because we are not mentally grown enough to know the difference between right or wrong. Sometimes we don't even realize what it is we do but of course its because of our mistakes that we are able to grow and learn what to do the next time. I think its making sure we know what we are doing wrong that will help us not make our mistakes again and i think it makes it hard when no one lets you know if your doing something wrong or not enough so that you can understand things better (in a way that it could affect said person).

For the person who is in the receiving end i guess its important to be patient and understanding but most importantly to be assertive when the person is doing something wrong so that they can truly understand as to what they are doing wrong. If you do that than im sure you'll be able to work things out.

You must keep in mind that this may not work in every situation for every situation is different and there are many different personalities. Try to remain calm and try to think before acting. It will give you a better chance of doing the right thing.

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