Tuesday, March 26, 2013

I believe I can fly

So im at this club that promotes our art. Its fun. I havent really attended all of them which i regret to say but I'm here now and we are planning for this event that i have yet to figure out when its going to happen.
Our leader or captin however you wish to say it is speaking letting us know what is going to happen regarding content.
One show is April 4th. The other one is today after school. Im kinda nervous about this all. Im not quite sure why but something doesnt feel right.
We have this kid who can Dj. His name is Jacob. I call him Mcdonalds just to mess with him. He's a cool dude.
Brandon is here. He is awfully adorable but he's really quiet right now. I call him black locks.
Celina is a cool girl. We like a lot of the same things and shes really pretty. She blogs too though she blogs on tumblr. Ill post her blog on here for you guys to check it out later.
Marcel is here. Hes just loud and dorky. He's talking to this other kid that i dont know but by the way they are huddled around they are probably talking bout porn or girls. Haha! I just got confirmed of my suspicions.
We also got Kenneth. This dude is always getting high. He's the type that will constantly skip class or come to class just to sleep. But hes chill...most of the time.
Well it looks like it is my turn to bring my work to the table.
Talk to you guys later. <3

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