Wednesday, March 6, 2013

True Happiness: Does it even exist?

I happen to find that happiness is an illusion created by society to define right and wrong. We call our proud or successful moments happiness to define how positive it is so that its opposite can be determined as wrong or destructive.  I think that there are many misconceptions as to what true happiness is. Whether it is having control over your life or whether it’s having the latest stuff or having nothing at all but love and affection, as human beings we haven’t put a true definition to it. Why does everyone obsess over something they don’t truly know or can’t achieve? I’m sure there are different levels of happiness for every individual but what is the ultimate happiness? Does that happiness even exist? Do we need more of what we already have or what others have to be truly happy? I, honestly, don’t believe in happiness and no I’m not a pessimist. I just believe in satisfaction to the eye and satisfaction to our human nature of current or future moments, perhaps even past moments. If we did not have pain or suffering we would not have created this illusion of happiness. It is almost a cycle if you think about it. We are happy or satisfied one moment and the next we are crying and upset because something went wrong. When the moment passes where we are upset into something more positive, then we become happy until the next time of deception.
I say that happiness is an illusion created by our society because in a different world happiness could be the source of let’s say evil and what is pain in our world could be the actual happiness in said other world. I think society itself is trying to make sense of the word It created. We use religion or superstition and even economical charts to try to express what happiness could be and as a society we have created a common denominator: Happiness is when we are at our prime. Happiness is when we are at our most calm and collected nature and have a smile on our face that proves we have everything we could ever need or want. Only then are we truly happy. But when are we at our prime? When are we truly calm and satisfied? And if we have everything we want or need, what happens when it is taken away or gone? Would we ever be happy again?  
Perhaps or perhaps not but what does it matter? Happiness is an illusion and if it is a thought that was planted into our head then could it be that it simply is that? A thought injected like a virus. One that we are commonly attracted to but are unsure how to cure. So we live to find our fix of happiness. We fight to find what doesn’t exist because we are told it is the best because we are told it is what we need to achieve in this life.

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