Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Attention Girls!

Girls can be so damn fiesty. Sometimes I consider this sexy, but other time like now its gotta be the most annoying thing ever. So if you read my past posts you'll realize my love life sucks to the core. Well let's just say it ain't changing anytime soon. Girl after girl be trying to control my man and get him in their pants and it's like dayum girl you thirsty and fo' what? You know he taken. So back off my man dammit.

Ok i'm sorry guys... My ghetto side came out a bit. I guess i'm just annoyed cause no respects the point of relationships and people who do are barely there in quantity. I just wanna be happy, but how can I be happy if people dont let you be with the one you love?

Damn jealousy is another thing I've had to deal with while being with his guy. The sad part is that it's not even us being jealous. It's the people around us. Drama, drama, DRAMA! I hate it with such a strong passion, it's just a huge frustration and headache that i dont wanna deal with.

Boundaries ladies. Learn them. Live them. Don't ignore them.

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